• With prices at the gas station and grocery store skyrocketing, the last thing Cedar Rapids should have to worry about is an increase in taxes. Barclay is committed to decreasing the tax burden on Iowa families and finding solutions to the increasing property taxes that we face to help keep money with hard working Iowans.

  • Every Iowa student deserves a world class education, whether after high school they will be joining the workforce, going to trade school, community college, or a four-year university. It's our job to ensure each student receives the education they need to thrive. Barclay will fight for our children and ensure Iowa schools are preparing our children for a bright future.

  • We should feel safe to walk our streets at night. We shouldn't have to worry about our kids on their walk home from school. Barclay will work to keep our communities safe by supporting our law enforcement and help them adapt to a changing environment. Burdensome government barriers and regulations that fail to protect our communities need to be removed.